Cooktops and Stoves

For both commercial and residential, standard and portable cooking devices, GEI designs and manufactures both the displays as well as components for control and regulation that help guarantee that every meal is a success.

Ice Machines and Refrigeration

Ice and refrigeration are not just conveniences for commercial applications. They are critical to food safety. GEI designs and manufactures the electronic controls that keep refrigerator and freezer units running at the correct temperature, assure the correct flow of refrigerant and water, plus the displays that assure users that everything is working perfectly.

Lawn Care and Irrigation

Lawn care and irrigation is critical in a time of rising water bills. Not one extra drop should be wasted either for crop irrigation or keeping landscaping pleasing to the eye. GEI offers electronic control solutions that assure proper timing of water flow, the valves that feed the system, and the sensors reporting back to the controls that everything is functioning normally.